Guam Medical Malpractice Information

  • What is the average medical malpractice settlement in Guam?

    There were no medical malpractice payments in 2022. Going back to 2004, the average malpractice payment in the database is $816,136.

  • How many medical malpractice settlements have there been in Guam?

    There were no medical malpractice payments recorded in Guam for 2022. From 2004 to 2022, however, there were a total of 11 records in the database.

A few notes about this: The database only shows which claims were paid and does not include claims that were presented but rejected. Also, the database does not include payments by non-providers like health systems and hospitals. There are also some number of claims that go unreported each year. Finally, the information contained in the reports is self-reported by the providers, their insurance companies, and other provider representatives.

The Largest Medical Malpractice Payments for Guam (2004-2022)

YearStateAmountAllegationFull Report
2009Guam$3,750,000Failure to Diagnose
2009Guam$3,750,000Failure to Diagnose
2019Guam$445,000Improper Performance
2005Guam$345,000Improper Choice of Delivery Method
2005Guam$295,000Delay in Treatment
2009Guam$155,000Improper Performance
2007Guam$82,500Wrong Body Part
2021Guam$72,500Improper Management
2010Guam$32,500Failure to Diagnose
2012Guam$32,500Contraindicated Procedure